Recurring billing with variable amount

Create variable recurring billing plans to charge a different amount to your customers based on their consumption over a given period of time.


Tailored to your business model

Set up all the parameters of the variable recurring billing plans according to the nature of your business.

Setup from Uelz or from your web site

Choose whether you want to generate payment buttons from the services created on your website or create new ones in Uelz.

Automated and accurate calculations

Offer a fairer charging model in which your customers only pay for what they consume.

Uelz is the platform that has best adapted to our business model. In addition to automating our recurring charges, the integration with Uelz has allowed us to customize each month the amount to be charged in the variable price plans based on the number of users and to make the calculations in an automated way.

Sebas Borreani | Founder & CEO

Custom parameters

Define how the variability of your recurring receivables will be calculated

If you want to charge your customers for specific features of your product, then you have to create the corresponding metrics. Consumption, active users, API calls, transactions, storage space... convert each variable of your business into a custom metric from which the amount your customers should pay is automatically calculated.


Choose the charging method your business needs from multiple options

Fixed recurring charges

Processes recurring charges with a price that does not change over the billing period.

Variable recurring charges

Create recurring billing plans with a price that changes depending on different factors of your business.

Charges use-based

Modify the price to be charged in your plans according to the consumption that customers have made on your product, service or platform.


Automate and manage recurring payments with subscription plans to charge your customers on a monthly basis.

Installment payments

Split a payment into different installments and set the number of billing cycles to receive collections automatically.

Charges by number of users

Offer pricing plans based on the number of active users on your service.

Charges by features

Create different pricing plans for each of the product's features that can be contracted.

Charges with due date

Set a time limit for recurring charges for a specified period of time.

One-time charges

Execute punctual charges according to the needs that may arise in your business: initial payments, single fees, additional payments…

Flexible billing flows

Automation of variable recurring billing without forgetting flexibility

With Uelz you have the power to combine the automation of your variable recurring collections with the specific needs of each customer. You can access all the flexible billing options to adapt your recurring billing flows at any time and experiment with them.


API Connection

Send your customers' consumption data

Connect your system with our API to send in real time the data of the events of your business. Based on this information and the consumption made by users, the amount of each billing cycle is automatically calculated.


FAQ's about variable recurrence

How do variable recurring billing work?

Variable recurring billing requires, on the one hand, a fixed price per unit that sets the cost from which the variability of the charge will be calculated and, on the other hand, the information related to the consumption that is made to initiate this calculation in each billing cycle.

How is a variable recurring billing set up in Uelz?

To configure variable recurring billing with Uelz you have two options: you can configure them from the platform itself or fill in the attributes of the plans from your own website. In either case you will need to connect to our API to communicate the consumptions that are made.

What are the most commonly used variable recurring billing models?

There are a multitude of variable recurring billing modalities, but the most commonly used are based on consumption, number of active users and access to functionalities. If your case is different, you can adapt the variable recurring billing plans to your use case with total flexibility.

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